Saturday, May 2, 2020

Daily Wellness Report: 5.2.20

PRIOR NIGHT’S SLEEP: Approximately 7.5 hours.  

MORNING SUGAR: 131.  An increase.  Hopefully just a fluke.  We'll continue to monitor.

BOWEL MOVEMENT (s): 1 regular morning poo.

BREAKFAST: 2 cups of coffee, with cream and 4 total Splendas.  4 small pieces of peanut butter toast.

LUNCH: 2 slices of leftover pizza.  Not sure on dessert, but I'm gonna guess 2 pudding cups.

DINNER:  1 turkey/cheese sandwich w/ mustard.  Sunchips.  Dessert?  Don't recall.

SNACKS: Evening snack:  2 pudding cups.  1 package of Belvita breakfast cookies.

EXERCISE: Full body stretch.  150 push-ups.  And I started on my cardio but stopped well short.  I had a kin in my back this morning and as I began the workout, it wasn't feeling great, so cut the workout short.  Used a heating pad and had the other half dig into the kink.  Sore at the end of the day, but not painful... will monitor it tomorrow.

TOTAL NO. OF STEPS:  Just over 4200.

WRITING: This blog.

THERAPY HOMEWORK: 20 minutes of meditation.

SOCIAL OUTINGS:  Was part of a live-read (via Zoom) of a friend's new script.  And spent some time prepping for that today.



HOUSEHOLD CHORES / PROJECTS: Began moving things from our bedroom, for a pending deep clean.

OTHER / MISC.:  I did some updates on my website.

I recorded a 43rd  episode of "Klugula reads his Klassics".

Here's a link to said episode:



There was anxiety about the reading @ 7pm -- which was to be expected.  But nothing much more than that today.  Oh, aside from irritability over the back pain.  Stupid body.

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