Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Daily Wellness Report: FAREWELL!

I am happy that I was able to stick to these daily updates for as long as I did, with the first one posted on February 2nd, 2020.

Keeping track of my exercise, diet, meds, sugar levels, anxiety, daily BMs, etc.

And after close to 4 months, I'm calling it quits.

It's become a chore, and one which I find more and more irritating, thus wondering if it's worth it to keep going, knowing that it's causing me it's very own brand of anxiety.

On top of that, it's become clear that referencing figures/stats from past entries, is something which never really happened.

Perhaps once I start back up on therapy (scheduled for July), I'll get back on this particular horse.

But for now, I'll say farewell to these tidbits of my daily life.

It's time, energy and brain power I can now transfer to other endeavors.

Regardless of keeping track, I'll continue to exercise, count my steps, watch my diet (right) and do my best to stay productive, positive and sane.

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