Saturday, February 29, 2020

Daily Wellness Report: 2. 28.20

PRIOR NIGHT’S SLEEP: Approximately 7.5 hours.


BOWEL MOVEMENT (s): 1 regular this morning.

BREAKFAST: 2 cups of coffee, with half-n-half and a total of 4 Splendas.  2 English muffins with butter and Colby Jack cheese.  1 banana.

LUNCH:  1 mini frozen pizza (pepperoni).

DINNER: Roast beef/cheddar cheese sandwich.  A handful of SunChips.  1 Cadbury creme egg for dessert.

SNACKS:  1 Cadbury creme egg -- late morning.

EXERCISE: Full body stretch.  Free weights.  400 ab crunches / sit-ups.


WRITING: This blog.  Over 1300 words on my novel, "Island Hunters".  Worked through a WHOPPING 52 pages on a third draft of "Rope-A-Dope".  


SOCIAL OUTINGS: A trip to Amoeba for a little vinyl shopping.

MEDITATIVE WRITING: 40 minutes of meditative writing, resulting in just over 1300 words written on "Island Hunters".


HOUSEHOLD CHORES / PROJECTS: Cleaned the toilet.  Took down recycling.




Not a good day overall.  While I got a ton of writing done, the end of my walk to Amoeba w/ the other half, ended in a disagreement.  Not a full-on argument, but I walked home alone.  And from there, my mood simply plummeted.

Feeling deeply depressed, I ended up going to bed by 6:30pm last night.  Ugh.

Note:  This post is being completed the morning after, since I was asleep so early, the blog was not completed in the evening, as is the norm.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Daily Wellness Report: 2.27.20

artwork inspired by Lovecraft's "The Whisperer in the Darkness"
PRIOR NIGHT’S SLEEP: Approximately 9.5 hours.


BOWEL MOVEMENT (s): 1 regular this morning.

BREAKFAST: 2 cups of coffee, with half-n-half and a total of 4 Splendas.  2 English muffins with butter and Colby Jack cheese.  1 banana.

LUNCH:  Water to drink.  1.5 peanut butter & jelly sandwiches.  Handful of SunChips.  1 pear.  1 Cadbury creme egg.

DINNER:  Baked chicken from Ralph's (better than the fried chicken we've gotten there before), a small portion of potato salad.  1 Cadbury creme egg for dessert.

SNACKS:  Evening snack, 2 Belvita breakfast biscuits, 1 banana.  1 cup of coffee this afternoon.  I feel like there were some afternoon snacks in there somewhere, but frankly, I can't recall.

EXERCISE: Full body stretch.  Cardio @ home -- Power 90/Beach Body.  400 ab crunches / sit-ups.


WRITING: This blog.  Over 1000 words on my novel, "Island Hunters".

THERAPY HOMEWORK:  None.  But did have my therapy appointment today, so new homework on the schedule for the next week.  Stay tuned!

SOCIAL OUTINGS: Afternoon therapy session.  Grocery shopping.  Hey, I left the house.  How 'bout that!  :)

MEDITATIVE WRITING: 1/2 hour of meditative writing, resulting in just over 1000 words written on "Island Hunters".

READING:  Started and finished "The Whisperer in the Darkness" from my Lovecraft collection.  Only one story left.  :(

HOUSEHOLD CHORES / PROJECTS: Sorted laundry.  Grocery shopping.




Some poo anxiety on my way to therapy.  And as has been the norm, tempted to just cancel the appointment, so I don't have to leave home.  Discussions w/ my psychiatrist today, about tackling some more generalized anxiety issues and agoraphobia, in addition to my poop issues.

Upon return home, felt pretty relaxed.  I generally do feel more chill post-therapy (naturally).  Looking forward to a full day of writing tomorrow (got a deadline on Rope-A-Dope) and hitting a big sale on vinyl at Amoeba tomorrow afternoon.

The other half made a call to an attorney, referred to us by yesterday's visit to the Gay/Lesbian Center -- to further deal with November's "unfortunate incident".  While this is all so intensely stressful, it's some modicum of relief that there is forward movement.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Daily Wellness Report: 2.26.20

PRIOR NIGHT’S SLEEP: Approximately 7.5 hours.

MORNING SUGAR: 166 (mighty high this morning, no doubt due to my "English muffins with peanut butter" snack last night at 8pm).  

BOWEL MOVEMENT (s): 1 regular this morning.

BREAKFAST: 2 cups of coffee, with half-n-half and a total of 4 Splendas.  2 mini-sausage biscuits (frozen sliders).  1 banana.

LUNCH:  Water to drink.  2 English muffins with butter, turkey and Colby Jack cheese.  2 pudding cups for dessert.

DINNER:  Baja Fresh: Chicken burrito, w/ salsa, sour cream, cheese, beans, grilled veggies and rice.  1 Cadbury creme egg for dessert.

SNACKS:  2 Belvita breakfast biscuits.  1 juice box. 1 Cadbury creme egg.  Afternoon snack:  1 pear, 1 granola bar.  Late evening snack: Handful of peanuts and a handful of SunChips.

EXERCISE: Full body stretch.  Free weights.  400 ab crunches / sit-ups.


WRITING: This blog.  Over 1800 words on my novel, "Island Hunters".  No work done on any scripts.

THERAPY HOMEWORK:  Again -- nothing, other than another failed attempt at "hold your poo after coffee and Miralax and go for a walk".  But again, once the coffee's in my system, it's only a matter of minutes before it's time to evacuate.  

SOCIAL OUTINGS: Had an appointment with an attorney today -- just a consultation.  Also: not an outing, but a long conversation with an old friend; via phone.  Always a pleasure and certainly this trip down memory lane (and talking about current projects) was a welcome distraction; pre-appointment.

MEDITATIVE WRITING: 53 minutes of meditative writing, resulting in over 1800 words written on "Island Hunters".

READING:  Nothing reading-wise (again, with only 2 stories remaining in my Lovecraft collection) getting done over the last few nights.  It's like my brain is so tired lately, that after 8pm, it seems to shut down.

HOUSEHOLD CHORES / PROJECTS: Took down the recycling.




Plenty of anxiety, as we moved toward the afternoon, where the appointment for legal advice sat.  It went well, and we're moving into the next steps in this "unfortunate event".

Feeling genuine anxiety about NOT getting any of my therapy homework done over the past week, and will be seeing my psychiatrist tomorrow -- going to him with my tail between my legs.  I feel like I'm rationalizing my inability to do these exercises, but between a busy end of last week, and the general feeling of "I don't want to go out and face things" for a good chunk of this week -- it seems obvious that this "you didn't do it" would be the result.  Sigh.  And sigh again.

On a more positive, note -- while I didn't get much writing done (I knew this would be the case, as this appointment was so late in the afternoon, most of my day was spent hemming and hawing over that), I was uber-pleased with the very dark and fascinating work on "Island Hunters" today.  I was in the zone, and it felt fantastic!

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Daily Wellness Report: 2.25.20

PRIOR NIGHT’S SLEEP: Approximately 9.5 hours.


BOWEL MOVEMENT (s): 2 this morning.  One regular, and shortly before I headed out for my hike, a second, lesser one (details below).

BREAKFAST: 2 cups of coffee, with half-n-half and a total of 4 Splendas.  1 McDonalds sausage McMuffin with egg (leftover from yesterday's excursion).  2 Belvita biscuits (on the way up to my hike).  1 banana.

LUNCH:  2 toasted English Muffins, with butter, turkey and Colby Jack cheese.  A handful of SunChips.  Water to drink.  2 pudding cups for dessert.

DINNER:  McDonald's again (don't judge, it was convenient and I was feeling lazy):  1 McDouble.  1 McChicken.  A handful of SunChips.  1 Cadbury creme egg.

SNACKS:  1 Cadbury creme egg.  Afternoon: 1 pear, a handful of peanuts.  Late evening snack: 2 toasted English Muffins with peanut butter.

EXERCISE: Full body stretch.  Runyon hike:  Only did one loop (see notes below) and ran from the East Trail lower bench (below "the stairs") to the Fuller St. entrance.  400 ab crunches / sit-ups upon arriving home.


WRITING: This blog.  1165 words on my novel, "Island Hunters".  Worked through 10 pages on the third draft of "Trip".

THERAPY HOMEWORK:  I've not done shit on my therapy homework this week.  Yes, I've attempted the "hold your poo following coffee" walk, but on two occasions, that's just not worked.  I've not done my 2-3 driving excursions to some random place on the LA map.  And I've not used my "worry time".  Frankly, with an important appointment (not therapy, that's on Thursday) pending tomorrow, I think I'm on edge more than usual, and leaving the house sounds almost unbearable at the moment.  And on top of all of this -- I have to feel bad that I haven't gotten any of these exercises done.  Not a good week for me.

SOCIAL OUTINGS: Hike.  A quick excursion to see a buddy, who was working on a shoot on Hollywood Blvd.

MEDITATIVE WRITING: 35 minutes of meditative writing, resulting in 1165 words written on "Island Hunters".

READING: Logging off shortly.  We'll see if I can dig into those final two Lovecraft stories.  Frankly, I think I'm holding off/dragging my feet, because I've so enjoyed this collection, that I'm not quite ready to let go.





Anxiety was quite high today.  On my way up to Runyon, I was having several "spikes" of poo anxiety.  It seems that in addition to my "purge" poos, where my body expels absolutely everything (these are about once every 2 weeks), I also sometimes have a secondary, smaller poo (randomly, about every 2 weeks as well), where my handful of morning pills (for the "diabeetus"), don't have much time to do what they're meant to do, as they're expelled rather quickly in that secondary poop, barely even absorbed.

So, knowing that my body is in "expel" mode, heading up to the wilds of Runyon, needless to say, my poo anxiety was pretty damned high this morning.  As such, I only did one loop.  Which then pisses me off -- "giving up".

The other half and I have an appointment tomorrow, something we scheduled over a month ago.  It has to do with that "unfortunate event" I've posted (but remained vague) about previously.  And with this coming back into the light and therefore into "trigger" territory, I think this might be why I'm feeling extra "I'm not leaving the house" lately.  Severely on edge and today, quite down/depressed.  At one point this afternoon, I found myself sitting in one of our living room chairs, sorta curled up in a ball.  Music wasn't soothing me.  I didn't feel like working and the television didn't sound inviting.  So I sat there, watching the hummingbirds using the feeder in our window.

Someone posted something on social media, along the lines of "I'm depressed and don't get work done.  Then I'm pissed at myself, since I didn't get work done".  Such a stupid, vicious cycle.

Luckily, I found some energy in the early evening and worked on the new draft of "Trip".  

I'm supposed to be using "worry time" -- basically, when I have a worry in the day, I'm to write it down and set it aside -- revisiting it later in the day (7:30pm) and just WORRY for a full half hour.  Again, didn't happen today.

Things seem awfully difficult today.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Daily Wellness Report: 2.24.20

PRIOR NIGHT’S SLEEP: Approximately 9.5 hours.


BOWEL MOVEMENT (s): 1 this morning.  Nothing out of the ordinary.

BREAKFAST: 2 cups of coffee, with half-n-half and a total of 4 Splendas.  1 McDonalds sausage McMuffin with egg.  2 Belvita biscuits.  1 McDonald's chicken biscuit.

LUNCH:  1 McDonald's chicken biscuit.  1 pear.

DINNER:   Plain, toasted bagel with cream cheese, turkey and Colby Jack cheese.  A handful of tortilla chips.  1 Cadbury Creme Egg.  1 pear.

SNACKS:  1 Cadbury creme egg.  Several handfuls of salted, crunchy peas.

EXERCISE: Full body stretch.  Free weights.  400 ab crunches / sit-ups.


WRITING: This blog.  Over 2000 words on my novel, "Island Hunters".  Worked through 30 pages on the second draft of my feature script, "Trip", and was able to call that draft complete!  :)

THERAPY HOMEWORK:  Here's the thing.  One of my homework assignments for this week, was to have my morning Miralax, my usual 2 cups of coffee and NOT my normal morning BM... and to then go for a walk, perhaps to Vine and back (about a 2 mile round trip).  But it seems as though having my morning coffee, creates something of a Pavlovian response (also just a plain old biological one).  So this morning, my intention was to do the homework, but literally, within 10 minutes of finishing up my coffee (not enough time to have gotten dressed and ready to head out the door), I ended up having my morning BM.  And it was urgent.  Like so much so, that had I walked out the door with that urgency, it would have been either a disaster or a photo-finish return to my apartment bathroom.  So there's that...

SOCIAL OUTINGS: A brief morning walk to McDonalds.  Then a walk to get a few groceries and to see my chiropractor.

MEDITATIVE WRITING: 53 minutes of meditative writing, resulting in over 2k words written on "Island Hunters".

READING: Couldn't focus on my final two Lovecraft stories last night, so hoping to dive in today/tonight -- once I log off from the interwebs!  :)

HOUSEHOLD CHORES / PROJECTS: Took down the recyclables. 

OTHER / MISC.: Chiropractor visit.


DID I POOP MY PANTS? No.  No poop in my pants today!

In an effort to reduce anxiety (mostly self-inflicted) about my writing workload, I decided to try something different today.  While I usually put on my "to-do" list (which I write up almost every day), 5 pages on this project, 5 pages on that project and so on -- in an attempt to touch a little bit on all outstanding projects.  But it seems, with 4 scripts on my desk and my novel in the works, that it's become tough for me to multi-task.  I mean, switching between 5 fictional worlds in one day, perhaps is just too much to ask of myself.

So, to see if I can up my productivity, and get that much needed "shot of dopamine", by actually finishing something, I'm going to have a daily focus.  I'll still do my daily meditative writing, and use that time to work on the novel (thus the novel gets some love every single day), but as far as the four scripts I'm in the middle of, I'll put all of my drive into one script at a time.  For instance, today -- I'm working solely on "Trip".  Tomorrow, I'll tackle "ESP" or "Mom Died".  

I hope this works, as I'm feeling unproductive on so many of these project fronts.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Daily Wellness Report: 2.23.20

PRIOR NIGHT’S SLEEP: I honestly don't recall when I went to bed, but I think it was 9:30-ish.  So let's just say about 8.5 hours of sleep last night.


BOWEL MOVEMENT (s): 2 this morning, within an hour of one another.  Not sure why, wasn't feeling particularly anxious, so I guess just good old biology and a need to purge!

BREAKFAST: 2 cups of coffee, with half-n-half and a total of 4 Splendas.  1 banana.  2 pieces of peanut butter/cinnamon toast.

LUNCH: Chopped up and fried a potato, half an onion -- added salt and pepper, Parmesan cheese, deli turkey and Colby Jack cheese.  Shared dish with the other half.  2 pudding cups for dessert. 

DINNER:  Fettucine Alfredo.  1 Cadbury creme egg for dessert.  1 diet cherry Pepsi to drink (and thus ends this year's splurge of soda).   

SNACKS:  1 Cadbury creme egg.  Several handfuls of SunChips.

EXERCISE: Full body stretch.  Actually went for a run today.  Only did 1.5 miles, but as I'm basically a beginner (running regularly 30 years ago no longer counts toward much), I thought this was a nice start.  400 ab crunches / sit-ups when I returned home.


WRITING: This blog.  Over 1400 words on my novel, "Island Hunters".  Worked through 6 pages on "Trip".  Also penned this blog:


SOCIAL OUTINGS: Out for a run this morning, but no socialization, other than w/ the other half.

MEDITATIVE WRITING: 45 minutes of meditative writing, resulting in over 1400 words written on "Island Hunters".

READING: Logging off shortly, to continue into my Lovecraft short stories.  Only two remain in this particular collection.  Already eyeing a more complete collection of his works.

HOUSEHOLD CHORES / PROJECTS: Took down the recyclables. 



DID I POOP MY PANTS? No.  Isn't that right, Mr. Poopy-Pants?

Some anxiety today, regarding my inability to really dig in and get some work done.  Since Thursday and Friday were washes for writing work, and Saturday (yesterday) ended up being a day of pure sloth, I was hoping for more work on projects today.  Some, but not enough.

A slight bit of poo anxiety this morning, before I went out for that first (of I hope many) morning runs.  (runs, like diarrhea, hahaha!).  I had two solid BMs this morning, prior to my run, so there was the slightest apprehension as I headed out the door -- more poo to come?  It wasn't meant to be, and frankly, as I was running, I couldn't focus on anything but my breathing and my wish to not die on this first run in 900 years.  But, no poops on the run... so there.


This is a good one (good for the story, not for the remnants floating around in my brain).

Something which I've carried with me for now over 20 years.

And it randomly shows up in my thoughts.  There is no rhyme.  No reason.  Thus the use of the term, "random".

Not long after I met my husband (then boyfriend) -- 9 months to be exact -- we decided to move in together.  The year was 2000 (we met in the summer of 1999).

I left behind my small apartment in the very northern suburbs of Chicago (Waukegan, near the Wisconsin border) and moved into his 15th floor 2-bedroom apartment right in the city proper.

And since I was moving away from the Waukegan/Gurnee area, I needed to leave behind my retail gig with Timex (@ Gurnee Mills mall) and find new work.

Well, my work history was all retail/service industry/customer service, so I applied to any and all gigs that met the "customer service" mark.

I ended up interviewing with (then) TD Waterhouse... for GET THIS, a position as a "stock broker trainee".  I would have to pass the Series 7 exam to "get" the job.  Officially, I would be in customer service, when I was not in a classroom learning everything there was to know about the stock market.  And I'd have to study on my own time -- ALL THE TIME.

Needless to say, I lasted somewhere around 5 months in this job.  I took the Series 7 twice (that's all they would allow before you got the boot) and failed both times.  It should be noted that my second go - I believe I missed the passing mark by 9 questions.  And the test was 250?  That's just a guess.

And I remember very little of this job -- as far as stock market knowledge.  Once I left it behind (and was fired), I data dumped all of that shit.

It was clear that this was not where I was meant to be.  I am obviously not a numbers person, nor have I ever been a "math" person.  (I barely passed high school freshman algebra -- ending with a solid "D" grade, but I passed!)

So the reason for this long tale of woe in my time as a "stock broker trainee" (c'mon, those of you who know me well, can you even match those two things up?), is that during one of our classroom sessions, where I was with (I wanna say) maybe 12 other students in my group -- we played a game of Win, Lose or Draw on the whiteboard at the front of the room.

I got up there and the teacher (can't recall his name, again -- data dump) gave me my word, which of course, I was then to draw and try to get my classmates to guess.

My word was "Alan Greenspan".

Now... I know who this is now, but I was a theatre major, only three years past college graduation.  My work had been in retail.  What the hell did I know about finances or banks or trading or certainly, the then Chair of the Federal Reserve? 

What always comes back to me, with this particular memory, is the look of horror/disgust/bemusement/shock from my teacher when I said, "I don't who that is."

And even at that moment, I felt intense shame and embarrassment -- something which, after all of these years, still kicks me in the gut.

Looking back, do I care that I failed so totally miserably at a job I had no business being even remotely tied to?  No.  Not really.  But this face-to-face interaction and the clear shortcomings I showed off in that moment of my life?  Jesus.  It's ridiculous, but oh how it sits there on my insides -- whenever it happens to pass by in my brain.  Again, randomly.

This is a PRIME example of a moment in my past, where the moment's shame and embarrassment continues to thrive.

But, why?  What is the purpose of my holding on to this memory (the memory sure, why not), but the feelings attributed to this moment?

I mean, after all -- these folks hired me, knowing what my work history was.  It wasn't as if I lied on my resume -- pulling from the Sue Ellen Crandell book of job-hunting (although, I can match up with that Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead reference, perhaps in another entry of this particular series -- down the line).

They knew what they were getting into.  But maybe it was this teacher looking at me, as he may have at dozens of other newbies, and cursing out the folks doing the hiring.  In his head thinking, "Another one of these."

It was certainly a weird little side note in my otherwise retail-filled work history.  I sort of wear it with a badge of honor, just for that complete weirdness.  Again, Michael Klug: Stock Broker Trainee.


But while the memory of my short time commuting to downtown Chicago and trying to learn --

I literally can't think of a stock market term to sort of pass off that I studied this shit for 5 months...

Anyway, it's time to let go of the shame I carry with me, because I -- a theatre major who went to school for acting and directing -- didn't know who the hell Alan Greenspan was, once upon a time.

It's not worth carrying around this embarrassment, when logically, why WOULD I have known who this was?  Dealing in inventory and hiring in a retail environment, when would I be checking out stocks and bonds and the like?  Or anything related to such things?

Besides that, when I was working retail back at good old Gurnee Mills, I was broke as fuck.  Stocks?  Sorry, not in the budget.  Food and rent was barely in the budget.

Bottom line here?  Fuck Alan Greenspan.  Fuck that teacher with his disappointed and horror-filled look at little Michael Klug, the wannabe stock broker.

And fuck my brain for letting these feelings linger for so many years.  Time to let go. 

Alan Greenspan, I wish you well as a person, but as a memory -- see ya.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Daily Wellness Report: 2.22.20

PRIOR NIGHT’S SLEEP: Approximately 7.5 hours.

MORNING SUGAR: 136 (no doubt this higher level is due to last night's late night crap-snacks.

BOWEL MOVEMENT (s): Regular morning poo.  Nothing of note (either good or bad).

BREAKFAST: 2 cups of coffee, with half-n-half and a total of 4 Splendas.  1 banana.  4 pieces of peanut butter/cinnamon toast.  Please note, these were small pieces of bread -- and no, that's not a rationalization.

LUNCH: Turkey and Colby Jack cheese sandwich, with light Miracle Whip.  1 diet cherry Pepsi.  SunChips.  2 pudding cups. 

DINNER: 1 mini-frozen pizza (pepperoni).   

SNACKS:  Throughout the day: 1 Cadbury Creme Egg.  Salted crunchy peanuts.  2 pudding cups.  Afternoon snack: 1 cup of oatmeal / milk, with a sliced banana and cinnamon and Splenda.

EXERCISE: Full body stretch.  Free weights.  400 ab crunches / sit-ups.

TOTAL NO. OF STEPS: A paltry 2538.  

WRITING: This blog.  And not a damned thing more!  :)


SOCIAL OUTINGS: None.  Didn't leave the house today.


READING: Finished "At the Mountains of Madness" today -- in the Lovecraft collection I've been reading.





I was supposed to go spend this day and an overnighter with friends in Pasadena, but last night, felt an oncoming soreness, deep in my throat.  So figured I'd play it safe and stay home, as this soreness as still present this morning (and still is currently).  While I think it might be allergies, why tempt the fates?  Or potentially spread possible sickness?

Pretty low energy day.  I got my workout in, and then NO writing.  But surprisingly content with being a total sloth today.  Obviously, not feeling 100%, so...

I think that's due in part to the past two days and all of the outside activities / social interaction I engaged in, thus I needed this sort of hibernation to recuperate.  Excited for tomorrow, getting back to work on many writing projects, assuming my sore throat doesn't turn into something legit (please be allergies.  please be allergies).

So anxiety was pretty non-existent today -- a nice break, indeed.