Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Daily Wellness Report: 2.26.20

PRIOR NIGHT’S SLEEP: Approximately 7.5 hours.

MORNING SUGAR: 166 (mighty high this morning, no doubt due to my "English muffins with peanut butter" snack last night at 8pm).  

BOWEL MOVEMENT (s): 1 regular this morning.

BREAKFAST: 2 cups of coffee, with half-n-half and a total of 4 Splendas.  2 mini-sausage biscuits (frozen sliders).  1 banana.

LUNCH:  Water to drink.  2 English muffins with butter, turkey and Colby Jack cheese.  2 pudding cups for dessert.

DINNER:  Baja Fresh: Chicken burrito, w/ salsa, sour cream, cheese, beans, grilled veggies and rice.  1 Cadbury creme egg for dessert.

SNACKS:  2 Belvita breakfast biscuits.  1 juice box. 1 Cadbury creme egg.  Afternoon snack:  1 pear, 1 granola bar.  Late evening snack: Handful of peanuts and a handful of SunChips.

EXERCISE: Full body stretch.  Free weights.  400 ab crunches / sit-ups.


WRITING: This blog.  Over 1800 words on my novel, "Island Hunters".  No work done on any scripts.

THERAPY HOMEWORK:  Again -- nothing, other than another failed attempt at "hold your poo after coffee and Miralax and go for a walk".  But again, once the coffee's in my system, it's only a matter of minutes before it's time to evacuate.  

SOCIAL OUTINGS: Had an appointment with an attorney today -- just a consultation.  Also: not an outing, but a long conversation with an old friend; via phone.  Always a pleasure and certainly this trip down memory lane (and talking about current projects) was a welcome distraction; pre-appointment.

MEDITATIVE WRITING: 53 minutes of meditative writing, resulting in over 1800 words written on "Island Hunters".

READING:  Nothing reading-wise (again, with only 2 stories remaining in my Lovecraft collection) getting done over the last few nights.  It's like my brain is so tired lately, that after 8pm, it seems to shut down.

HOUSEHOLD CHORES / PROJECTS: Took down the recycling.




Plenty of anxiety, as we moved toward the afternoon, where the appointment for legal advice sat.  It went well, and we're moving into the next steps in this "unfortunate event".

Feeling genuine anxiety about NOT getting any of my therapy homework done over the past week, and will be seeing my psychiatrist tomorrow -- going to him with my tail between my legs.  I feel like I'm rationalizing my inability to do these exercises, but between a busy end of last week, and the general feeling of "I don't want to go out and face things" for a good chunk of this week -- it seems obvious that this "you didn't do it" would be the result.  Sigh.  And sigh again.

On a more positive, note -- while I didn't get much writing done (I knew this would be the case, as this appointment was so late in the afternoon, most of my day was spent hemming and hawing over that), I was uber-pleased with the very dark and fascinating work on "Island Hunters" today.  I was in the zone, and it felt fantastic!

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