Sunday, February 23, 2020

Daily Wellness Report: 2.23.20

PRIOR NIGHT’S SLEEP: I honestly don't recall when I went to bed, but I think it was 9:30-ish.  So let's just say about 8.5 hours of sleep last night.


BOWEL MOVEMENT (s): 2 this morning, within an hour of one another.  Not sure why, wasn't feeling particularly anxious, so I guess just good old biology and a need to purge!

BREAKFAST: 2 cups of coffee, with half-n-half and a total of 4 Splendas.  1 banana.  2 pieces of peanut butter/cinnamon toast.

LUNCH: Chopped up and fried a potato, half an onion -- added salt and pepper, Parmesan cheese, deli turkey and Colby Jack cheese.  Shared dish with the other half.  2 pudding cups for dessert. 

DINNER:  Fettucine Alfredo.  1 Cadbury creme egg for dessert.  1 diet cherry Pepsi to drink (and thus ends this year's splurge of soda).   

SNACKS:  1 Cadbury creme egg.  Several handfuls of SunChips.

EXERCISE: Full body stretch.  Actually went for a run today.  Only did 1.5 miles, but as I'm basically a beginner (running regularly 30 years ago no longer counts toward much), I thought this was a nice start.  400 ab crunches / sit-ups when I returned home.


WRITING: This blog.  Over 1400 words on my novel, "Island Hunters".  Worked through 6 pages on "Trip".  Also penned this blog:


SOCIAL OUTINGS: Out for a run this morning, but no socialization, other than w/ the other half.

MEDITATIVE WRITING: 45 minutes of meditative writing, resulting in over 1400 words written on "Island Hunters".

READING: Logging off shortly, to continue into my Lovecraft short stories.  Only two remain in this particular collection.  Already eyeing a more complete collection of his works.

HOUSEHOLD CHORES / PROJECTS: Took down the recyclables. 



DID I POOP MY PANTS? No.  Isn't that right, Mr. Poopy-Pants?

Some anxiety today, regarding my inability to really dig in and get some work done.  Since Thursday and Friday were washes for writing work, and Saturday (yesterday) ended up being a day of pure sloth, I was hoping for more work on projects today.  Some, but not enough.

A slight bit of poo anxiety this morning, before I went out for that first (of I hope many) morning runs.  (runs, like diarrhea, hahaha!).  I had two solid BMs this morning, prior to my run, so there was the slightest apprehension as I headed out the door -- more poo to come?  It wasn't meant to be, and frankly, as I was running, I couldn't focus on anything but my breathing and my wish to not die on this first run in 900 years.  But, no poops on the run... so there.

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