Sunday, February 9, 2020

Daily Wellness Report 2.9.20

Today's stats are grim and slim.  It was Oscars Sunday, and so my main focus was on that!  Forgive!

PRIOR NIGHT’S SLEEP: Approximately 7.5 hours.


BOWEL MOVEMENT (s): Had my 1 regular BM, and was fine for the rest of the day.

BREAKFAST: 2 cups of coffee, with half-n-half and a total of 4 Splendas.  4.5 pieces of bacon.  2.5 scrambled eggs.

LUNCH: 1 plain bagel (toasted) with peanut butter.  A handful of corn chips.  1 banana.  1 diet cherry Pepsi.

DINNER: Skirt steak.  Shared 1 potato w/ the other half.  It was diced, fried, with onions, Parmesan cheese, leftover bacon pieces from breakfast and shredded Colby Jack cheese.  To say that this meal was heavy, would be a gross understatement.

SNACKS: 4 pudding cups.  There were other random snacks here and there, but I lost track.  Once again, Oscars Sunday, sitting on our duff, watching television for hours on end -- snacking is of the utmost importance!

EXERCISE: Full body stretch. Free weights.  240 ab crunches / sit-ups.  It was all tough to get motivated, exercise-wise, so didn't do the total 400.

TOTAL NO. OF STEPS: 3782 (that's what happens when you don't leave the house).

WRITING: This blog.  With the Oscars and more movies watched today, no other writing accomplished.

THERAPY HOMEWORK: Was attempting to get dressed for my "homework" / morning constitutional (following my morning coffee), but ended up needing to handle my #2 before I was able to do my homework.  And since the point of the morning constitutional was to do it BEFORE my morning poo -- I didn't go out.

SOCIAL OUTINGS: No social outings today.

MEDITATIVE WRITING: Oscars Sunday.  Nada.

READING: As I retire for the evening, unsure if I'll get back into that long-winded Lovecraft tale I've been trying to finish for FIVE nights!

HOUSEHOLD CHORES / PROJECTS:  Swept the living room floor.

OTHER / MISC.: Watched awards season screening: Pain and Glory (our last screener for this awards season).  And since it was Oscar day, spent the day in front of the tube for the carpet coverage and the awards themselves.


DID I POOP MY PANTS? Nope!  No poopy pants!

Days like today prove the idea that if I'm engaged with other things, mentally -- that anxiety takes a backseat.  I watched a film today (to complete my Oscars education) and then watched the red carpet, watched the Oscars show and did my play-by-play on Facebook, as I've done for the past 10+ years.  My enter day was The Academy Awards and not much else.  Anxiety was all but vanquished.

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