Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Daily Wellness Report: 2.19.20

PRIOR NIGHT’S SLEEP: Approximately 9 hours.


BOWEL MOVEMENT (s): 1 morning poo (see homework details below).  Also of note: late in the night (last night), I woke up for middle of the night visit to the shitter -- 'twas no doubt due to that Chili Mac soup I had for lunch yesterday.  This was technically (from what I saw on the clock in the night), still before midnight, so it should be on yesterday's, but I'll simply notate it here.

BREAKFAST: 2 cups of coffee, with half-n-half and a total of 4 Splendas.  2 mini sausage biscuits (sliders).  1 banana.  1 Belvita breakfast biscuit (exact same as yesterday!)

LUNCH: 1 peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  A handful of tortilla chips.  1 Belvita breakfast biscuit.

DINNER:  1 can of chicken & dumplings Chunky soup.  1 can of diet root beer.  2 pudding cups.

SNACKS: Afternoon snack: several sugar wafer cookies.  Evening snack:  2 Belvita breakfast biscuits.  These are almost depleted as well.  And as much as I like them, I'll have to refrain from getting them again -- too dangerous.  They were meant to be available to remedy sudden sugar drops, but I'm just devouring them.

EXERCISE: Full body stretch.  Free weights.  400 ab crunches / sit-ups.

TOTAL NO. OF STEPS: Just over 3300 steps today.  Not leaving the house (even to get the mail) and that's just bound to happen.

WRITING: This blog.  Just over 1800 words on "Island Hunters".  Worked through 4 pages on the new draft of "Mom Died".  Wrote 4 brand new pages on "ESP".  Worked through 11 pages on the current draft of "Trip".

THERAPY HOMEWORK: Made it 28 minutes from my first strong urge to poo  A new record?  

SOCIAL OUTINGS: Didn't leave the house today.

MEDITATIVE WRITING: 1 hour of meditative writing, resulting in over 1800 words on "Island Hunters".

READING: Gonna continue into the Lovecraft tale I began last night, before bed -- "At the Mountains of Madness".

HOUSEHOLD CHORES / PROJECTS:  Reorganized/cleaned the kitchen counter area.

OTHER / MISC.: Need to do a self-tape audition, for a role I found out about today -- so that's on the books for the next two days.  A few social engagements over the next several days, have seemingly created more social engagements over the next 10 days.  Lots of things coming up, which means -- you guessed it -- pre-anxiety on the way!  Yippee!

Also, got some potential good news on a writing project... Nothing concrete, but movement forward is a good thing.


DID I POOP MY PANTS? Well, well, well.  Hasn't happened yet... and by simply acknowledging this continued success, it's doing a good deal toward me writing off this particular phobia!

While I hit on several writing projects, I didn't do all I had hoped.  And so that leaves me, at the end of the day with a bit of, how would I term this, "performance anxiety"?  No?  Haha!  Happy to have gotten some work done, but as usual, beating myself up.  Overall anxiety was minimum -- aside from the "pre-anxiety" mentioned above.

Tomorrow:  2 appointments out.  Friday: Tape the audition, then an event in the evening.  Saturday:  going out of town for an overnight stay.  And then next week -- a ton of things coming up, including several of my own writing deadlines.  While not a lot of anxiety today, there was certainly no relaxing.

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