Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Daily Wellness Report: 2.5.20

Today's wellness report!  Social outings!  Incomplete BMs, and MORE!

PRIOR NIGHT’S SLEEP: Approximately 9 hours.


BOWEL MOVEMENT (s): 1.  Regular morning BM.  However, it wasn't a full exercise as I had hoped.  But knowing that I have social events tonight, my body is feeling tense.  Perhaps that's why not a full go at it.  And of course, that means I'm stressing out about that.  Mid-afternoon, another small BM, but not a full one.

BREAKFAST: 2 cups of coffee, with half-n-half and total of 4 Splendas.  1 banana.  2 English Muffins, toasted, with butter and shredded Colby Jack cheese.

LUNCH: Toasted, plain bagel with cream cheese, turkey and a slice of Colby Jack cheese.  A handful of chips.  1 diet cherry Pepsi.  For dessert: a pear.

DINNER: Corner Bakery.  1/2 a panini club sandwich (turkey, ham, cheese), a bag of potato chips and a small Ceasar salad.  Iced tea to drink.

SNACKS: Mid-afternoon: a few sugar wafer cookies.  1 banana late afternoon.  Upon arriving home @ 11pm, a few sugar wafer cookies.

EXERCISE: Full body stretch.  Free weights.  400 ab crunches / sit-ups.


WRITING: This blog.  Over 1300 words on my novel, Island Hunters.  With worries about the evening's social events, my workload suffered.

THERAPY HOMEWORK: It was a secondary piece of homework, but my trip out tonight involved me NOT doing my usual safety behaviors, like checking the runtime of the show and familiarizing myself with the seating chart.  Since my friend Suzanne took me to the show, I had no clue on where we would be seated.

SOCIAL OUTINGS: Dinner and a show in Westwood with my friend Suzanne.

MEDITATIVE WRITING: 45 minutes of meditative writing, resulting in over 1300 words written on my novel, Island Hunters.  

READING: Got home late, so no reading today.

HOUSEHOLD CHORES / PROJECTS: Emptied the dishwasher.

OTHER / MISC.: Got an adjustment from my chiropractor today.



It was a bit of an anxiety-ridden day.  I've been on edge about the evening's events, knowing that I'd be taking the bus to Westwood, from here in Hollywood.  Westwood is not wholly unfamiliar, but I don't know the layout.  I was eased a bit, knowing that there were a lot of businesses, including a Target (which I've been to before), so plenty of public restrooms available, should the need arise (or drop, as it were).  But I still had to deal w/ the bus ride, which ended up being a breeze.

Of course, as mentioned above, I was rather irregular as far as my BMs today, so that offered up adt'l apprehension about going out.

We ended up being seated in the far left of the theatre, like against the wall, with about 10 people between me and the aisle, should I have to exit quickly.  I never did, but did have the rumblings of gas -- which can sometimes spark a little panic, i.e. one of my "spikes".  There was the slightest of anxiety, but barely anything worth mentioning.  And Suzanne was kind enough to give me a ride home -- and at this hour, there's barely any traffic.

I consider it something of a triumph that I actually got myself out of the house, despite high anxiety, and didn't crap my pants. 

Of note on the anxiety spectrum:  I had some potentially good news about a writing project, and amazingly, I even found a way to "worry" about that.  Sigh.

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