Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Daily Wellness Report: 2.18.20

PRIOR NIGHT’S SLEEP: Approximately 8 hours.

MORNING SUGAR: 90 (shocking, considering how much sugar I ingested yesterday!)

BOWEL MOVEMENT (s): 1 morning poo (see homework details below).

BREAKFAST: 2 cups of coffee, with half-n-half and a total of 4 Splendas.  2 mini sausage biscuits (sliders).  1 banana.  1 Belvita breakfast biscuit.

LUNCH: 1 can of Chili Mac Chunky soup.  Several Ritz crackers.  A touch of light Miracle Whip.  1 diet cherry Pepsi (they're almost gone, folks!).  Several sugar wafer cookies.

DINNER:  Shells & cheese.  Several handfuls of peanuts.  2 pudding cups for dessert.

SNACKS: 2 Belvita breakfast biscuits for an afternoon snack.  1 granola bar, post hike this morning.  Evening snack: crackers and cheese and another of those Belvita breakfast biscuits (already an addiction, will have to avoid for the future).

EXERCISE: Full body stretch.  1 loop at Runyon (for more exciting information on this morning's hike, check out at the bottom of this post, my thoughts which I posted on social media).  400 ab crunches / sit-ups when I arrived home.

TOTAL NO. OF STEPS: While it's still quite early, I'm putting my watch in to charge.  At the moment, I'm showing 9785 total steps.  So with pre-bedtime routines, I'm sure I'll easily surpass 10k for the day.

WRITING: This blog.  Just over 1300 words on "Island Hunters".  Worked through 4 pages on the new draft of "Mom Died".  Wrote 7 brand new pages on "ESP".

THERAPY HOMEWORK: Made it 25 minutes from my first strong urge to poo, before I finally gave in to the urge!  I think that's the record for these exercises (thus far!).

SOCIAL OUTINGS: Went for the hike, but no social outings.

MEDITATIVE WRITING: 45 minutes of meditative writing, resulting in over 1300 words on "Island Hunters".

READING: Diving back in to my Lovecraft book tonight -- only three stories remain!

HOUSEHOLD CHORES / PROJECTS:  Recyclables taken out this morning.  Cleaned the toilet.  And began my full clean of the bathroom.



DID I POOP MY PANTS? No pooping of the pants.  But then again, what would happen if this actually occurred, would I be willing to put it up on this blog?  Oh, the humanity!  Seriously. Didn't crap my pants today.

Overall thoughts on the day:  Not much anxiety.  Felt good about my workload completions.  Starting to feel some pre-anxiety for an event Friday night.  Yes.  I know it's Tuesday.  Welcome to my brain.  It's a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.


I certainly wouldn't classify it as a miracle, but it was quite unexpected.
Almost immediately, on my way up to Runyon this morning, I had the urge to pee. And so, I knew it'd be unlikely that I'd do my usual two loops, as the urge only strengthened as I ascended the Fire Road. I looked around for potential bushes, but figured I'd suffer through (thus avoiding possible arrest) and wait until I arrived home. Well, at the end of my first loop (down "the stairs"), I really had to go. So I asked myself, "What's the fastest way home?"
And so -- I RAN (not fast, a jog, I guess) from the bench at the bottom of "the stairs" all the way out of the park and to Bob Barker's house (corner of Outpost and Hillside). Then a brisk walk home from there; as a cool down.
I RAN. And damn, it felt mighty good. My breath was controlled (no doubt the exercise I've been doing has conditioned me enough that this run didn't kill me) and my legs/knees didn't hurt (we'll see how that pans out in the morning).
I used to run in middle school and high school (cross country and distance & relays in track). And I've not run in MANY YEARS.
But this morning's unexpected jog felt so good, I think I might start looking into this as a more frequent form of exercise.
I'll certainly never master the art of those hikers RUNNING down "the stairs", with all of its (frankly dangerous) rocky outcroppings and deep holes, but maybe on the paved areas -- running might now be an option.
What's the saying? "Necessity is the mother of invention"?
Well, I'll fiddle with that, change a few words and offer this, "A full to bursting bladder is the mother of exercising discovery".

And with this exciting exercise development, it's worth noting that even free of poop anxiety, my exceedingly small bladder offers up adt'l anxiety, of the urine kind.

A new horror/sci-fi film?  "Too Close for Comfort Anxiety, of the Urine Kind"?  No?  Okay.

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