Saturday, February 8, 2020

Daily Wellness Report: 2.8.20

Good day, world!  My daily dose of exercise updates, potential poop stories and other random goodies!

PRIOR NIGHT’S SLEEP: Approximately 9.5 hours (as Ralph Wiggum of The Simpsons once said, "Sleep!  That's where I'm a Viking!"


BOWEL MOVEMENT (s): Following my morning constitutional (see below), there was a bit of a delay, but not by much.  Had my 1 regular BM, and was fine for the rest of the day.

BREAKFAST: 2 cups of coffee, with half-n-half and a total of 4 Splendas.  2 Belvita breakfast biscuits (cinnamon and brown sugar), 2 mini sausage biscuits (sliders).  1 banana.

LUNCH: 2 English Muffins, with butter, shredded Colby Jack cheese and turkey slices.  1 diet cherry Pepsi.

DINNER: 2 fried egg sandwiches (with Colby Jack cheese and Miracle Whip -- 4 slices of bread).  Water to drink.  Dessert:  2 pudding cups.

SNACKS: 2 pudding cups.  Several sugar wafer cookies.  A handful of corn chips.  Handful of peanuts, late evening.

EXERCISE: Full body stretch. Runyon hike (up Fire Road, down "the stairs", and back up "the stairs" and back down the Fire Road..  400 ab crunches / sit-ups.  Plus my morning constitutional (see below).


WRITING: This blog.  Over 1300 words on my novel, "Island Hunters".  Worked through 23 pages on the current draft of my script with Motown, Rope-A-Dope.

THERAPY HOMEWORK: One of the things I've been working on w/ my psychiatrist is some exposure therapy, in order to tackle and deflate my "poop" anxiety.  Currently on my homework/exposure therapy -- I had a week off from my session, so was assigned SIX times -- this particular exercise.  Without enjoying my morning BM, I am to take my usual morning dose of Miralax (I take to keep me regular) and go for a walk in a residential neighborhood, where there are no businesses to save me, should I experience the urgent need to poo.  So, the plan was for me to take the bus from my block, to the corner of Fairfax and Hollywood, then walk home, without having gone #2.  Originally, I was also supposed to have my morning coffee prior, but that's just not feasible, as without fail, coffee fully fulfills its job description as a laxative on this man's body.  But, instead of taking the bus, I cut the walk in half, and took the distance to Fairfax, but walked only the first half.  Round trip, was the same amount of walking, had I gone from Fairfax to home.  Make sense?  Anyway, I'm to do this six times (now have done one).  And while I was certainly gassy this morning on that walk, I didn't have anxiety, nor did I end up crapping myself.  It turned out to be quite a nice walk, at about 7am.  No one around and quite chilly.

Of course, my concern then became, "If I hold it in, will I be off and irregular for the remainder of the day".  Luckily, that wasn't the case and I had my normal BM, and was comfortable for my eventual hike.

SOCIAL OUTINGS: No social outings today.  Went out for my morning walk and then for my hike, but no social interaction.

MEDITATIVE WRITING: 45 minutes of meditative writing, resulting in over 1300 words written on my novel, "Island Hunters".

READING: As I retire for the evening, unsure if I'll get back into that long-winded Lovecraft tale I've been trying to finish for four nights!

HOUSEHOLD CHORES / PROJECTS: Took down recyclables to the bin on the first floor.  Cleaned the toilet.

OTHER / MISC.: Watched awards season screening: Harriet.

DID I MAKE THE BED? No.  The other half did.  Inform the press.

DID I POOP MY PANTS? Nope!  No poopy pants!

Not much as far as anxiety, although a little bit of "poop" anxiety on my way up to Runyon.  It quickly diminished.  Some anxiety about getting my work done on Rope-A-Dope (as it was due tomorrow) but ended up hitting it hard today and getting it done in one fell swoop!  Feeling like, as I sit down to watch a movie, that I can fully relax and enjoy.

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