Friday, February 7, 2020

Daily Wellness Report 2.7.20

Another day.  Another set of dietary, exercise and poop related facts, for my avid readers of 0.  And for me, of course (mostly for me).

Here are today's stats:

PRIOR NIGHT’S SLEEP: Approximately 9 hours.


BOWEL MOVEMENT (s): 2 in the morning.  One seemingly normal and all was good, but then I did my ab crunches a couple of hours later and that got some adt'l movement.  After that, no issues or additional restroom (#2, at least) visits.  

BREAKFAST: 2 cups of coffee, with half-n-half and a total of 4 Splendas.  1 piece of peanut butter and jelly toast.  1 banana.

LUNCH: 1 mini-frozen pizza (pepperoni), 1 diet root beer to drink.  A handful of cheesy poofs.  2 pudding cups for dessert.

DINNER: 1 turkey burger (from frozen), half a potato (shared with the other half), cut up and fried with olive oil and half an onion, with some salt/pepper and Parmesan cheese, topped with some shredded Colby Jack.  Half a bottle of red wine (shared with the other half).  For dessert: 1 pear and 4 Belvita cinnamon/brown sugar biscuits.

SNACKS: 1 granola bar as we left to go to The Grove (my sugar plummeted, no doubt due to the light breakfast and exercise prior).  At my coffee date, had a large iced tea and a fudge brownie.  By the time I left the date, it was lunchtime and I was feeling a sugar low again, so had a granola bar on the walk home.

EXERCISE: Full body stretch. Free weights.  400 ab crunches / sit-ups.  Walked from The Grove (following a coffee date) all the way home, which is about 3 1/4 miles.  :) 


WRITING: This blog.  Over 1200 words on my novel, "Island Hunters".  Didn't hit on any other writing projects, so not a wonderfully productive day.


SOCIAL OUTINGS: Coffee with a friend.  Got a ride to The Grove, so did not take public transportation, and walked home.  Little to no anxiety (poop or otherwise).

MEDITATIVE WRITING: 45 minutes of meditative writing, resulting in over 1200 words written on my novel, "Island Hunters".

READING: Probably no reading tonight, as I'm feeling buzzed from the shared bottle of wine.

HOUSEHOLD CHORES / PROJECTS: Took down recyclables to the bin on the first floor.



DID I POOP MY PANTS? Another day of success!  No poopy pants!

Other than low productivity, a pretty easy day as far as anxiety.  Enjoyable coffee date w/ my friend, and little to no anxiety (other than guilt for not getting as much work done).  But when we opened the bottle of wine for dinner, that confirmed (via a little buzz) that nothing more would be accomplished in the day, so I just went with it and attempted to enjoy a care-free Friday evening.

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