Thursday, February 6, 2020

Daily Wellness Report: 2.6.20

Another day.  Another list.  Another set of accomplishments.

PRIOR NIGHT’S SLEEP: Approximately 7 hours.


BOWEL MOVEMENT (s): Since I was massively irregular yesterday, I was hoping for a bonanza this morning... and all was well, with a slight delay before my morning BM (prompting some anxiety, as I planned to do a hike today).  

BREAKFAST: 2 cups of coffee, with half-n-half and a total of 4 Splendas.  The other half and I have been craving some red meat (we don't really eat it all that often) and so when at the grocery store earlier in the week, we picked up some skirt steaks.  So he made those this morning, along with 2 scrambled eggs each.  Delish.

LUNCH: 1 peanut butter & jelly sammich.  A handful of chips.  1 diet cherry Pepsi to drink.

DINNER: 2 English Muffins with butter, turkey and shredded Colby Jack cheese.  An apple for dessert.

SNACKS: 1 banana on the way up to Runyon for my hike.  2 pudding cups for afternoon snack.  Mid-evening snack: more of those delish (and dangerously addictive) sugar wafer cookies and a handful of chips.

EXERCISE: Full body stretch.  Hike up to Runyon -- up the Fire Road, down the east trail (the stairs), then right back up the stairs and back down the Fire Road.  Once home, did my 400 ab crunches / sit-ups.  Hike was gorgeous (plenty of hot, shirtless male flesh for the gazing today) and almost totally void of any "spikes" in my anxiety (poop-related or otherwise).  Yay!


WRITING: This blog.  Over 2600 words on my novel, "Island Hunters".  Didn't hit on any other writing projects, so not a wonderfully productive day.


SOCIAL OUTINGS: Went out for a hike and spoke to no one, so NONE.

MEDITATIVE WRITING: 75 minutes of meditative writing, resulting in over 2600 words written on my novel, "Island Hunters".

READING: Logging off for the day and continuing to read my Lovecraft short stories.


OTHER / MISC.: Awards season screening, Ford Vs. Ferrari.  Knocked another one off of the list.


DID I POOP MY PANTS? No!  Success!

Overall, a relatively stress-free day -- aside from the fact that I wasn't particularly productive on writing projects (the many currently on my to-do list), so I beat myself up a bit for that.  

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