Monday, February 10, 2020

Daily Wellness Report 2.10.20

Another day.  Surprised I'm keeping up on this.  But of course, copying and pasting makes a big difference in the workload.  Here then, are my stats (poop, exercise, food, writing) for the day.

PRIOR NIGHT’S SLEEP: I honestly can't recall when I went to bed, as I was still hyped up by the Oscar fun last night.  I'm gonna venture a guess, approximately 8 hours.


BOWEL MOVEMENT (s): 1 regular BM in the morning, following my "morning constitutional (see below).

BREAKFAST: 2 cups of coffee, with half-n-half and a total of 4 Splendas.  4 Belvita breakfast biscuits.  2 English Muffins with butter, turkey and shredded Colby Jack cheese.

LUNCH: Did my meditative writing and when I was almost done, I had a serious sugar plunge, so sorta overate for lunch, in an attempt to get my very low sugar back under control.  1 can of Hawaiian Punch.  1 turkey and Colby cheese sandwich with light Miracle Whip (wheat bread).  Corn chips.  Plain chips.  1 apple.  1 pudding cup.

DINNER: 1 breakfast burrito (from frozen), 2 toasted plain bagels with peanut butter.  A handful of plain chips.  Water to drink.

SNACKS: 2 handfuls of peanuts.  A few sugar wafer cookies.  1 diet root beer.

EXERCISE: Full body stretch. Runyon hike (up the Fire Road, down "the stairs", back up "the stairs" and back down the Fire Road).  Was feeling so damned good while up there, I thought I'd do another round, but didn't wan to push it and needed to get home to get some work done.  Once home, 400 ab crunches / sit-ups.


WRITING: This blog.  Over 2k words on my novel, "Island Hunters".  3 new pages on a rewrite of my script, "Mom Died".  Worked through 8 pages on the script I'm writing w/ buddy Scott, "ESP".

THERAPY HOMEWORK: Did my morning constitutional.  To Gardner and back.  Very little poop anxiety.  BUT, I didn't have my coffee prior to going out.  But I did take my Miralax.  And as an aside, I ate a VERY heavy dinner last night and frankly, was super gassy from that meal, prior to bedtime.  So I figured it'd be a real barn-burner of a BM in the morning.  But, I did the walk w/ no issue (other than some extra tooting helping me along the way).

SOCIAL OUTINGS: While I went out for my morning walk and then my hike, no social interaction.

MEDITATIVE WRITING: 1 hour of meditative writing, resulting in over 2,000 words written on my novel, "Island Hunters".

READING: It's been far too many nights since I sat down in the evening to read.  I've been on my latest Lovecraft short story for like 5 nights.  Ugh.  Hoping to finish that one, once I log off for the evening.

HOUSEHOLD CHORES / PROJECTS:  Took down the recycling and sorted laundry, intending to do it tomorrow.




Overall, a pretty care-free day as far as anxiety.  But as is the norm, when I don't have social obligations in my calendar for the foreseeable future, it's then which I find I can actually relax in some small way.  Nothing in the future which will undoubtedly stress me, days in advance.

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