Saturday, February 15, 2020

Daily Wellness Report: 2.15.20

It's Saturday!  And what better way to enjoy this weekend, than by notating writing work, food consumption and regularity of my BMs?  Ha!

PRIOR NIGHT’S SLEEP: Approximately 10 hours.


BOWEL MOVEMENT (s): 1 poo this morning (see homework details below).  And later in the morning, a second, more "easy" BM.  "Easy" is the way to define diarrhea (satisfied?  I went there).  But what I find interesting, is that every two weeks or so, I have a day where my bowels are quite loose.  It's as if my body is doing it's bi-monthly purge, getting rid of anything and everything.  And it does seem random to me, as I've not noticed any particular pattern to when these "purges" hit.  And when I have such days as this, it offers up some extra "poo anxiety", with my brain wondering, "Am I done?  Will there be more, gut?  Is it okay if I go out and live my life, or are you gonna have me shit 4 more times before the day is out?"  

BREAKFAST: 2 cups of coffee, with half-n-half and a total of 4 Splendas.  2 pieces of peanut butter/cinnamon toast.  And two sugar wafer cookies.

LUNCH: 1 can of creamy chicken noodle soup.  Water to drink.

DINNER:  2 chicken tenders.  3 mozzarella sticks.  For dessert, a small scoop of cookies-n-cream ice cream and a chocolate chip cookie.

SNACKS: 1 can of Hawaiian Punch -- during this morning's workout (and with my exceedingly low sugar this morning), I began to feel a little wonky, so after my workout, I had a sugar-laden soda to level things out.  Evening snack: several handfuls of various chips, 2 slices of Swiss cheese, 1 diet cherry Pepsi.

EXERCISE: Full body stretch.  Free weights.  400 ab crunches / sit-ups.  And of course, my round trip walk (leisurely) from home to Amoeba Music.


WRITING: This blog.  Over 2k words on my novel, "Island Hunters".  And nothing else.  I'm feeling as though I'm in a slight writing/creative slump at the moment, which is unfortunate, as I have 500 projects requiring work.

THERAPY HOMEWORK: Serious fail on my "hold it until you just can't" poop homework.  Following breakfast and coffee and Miralax, I got the urge to go.  So started the timer.  Went to make the bed, and try to avoid thinking about it, therefore controlling it.  But get this, within 5 minutes of beginning the timer, I was on the toilet.  I tried, but when you gotta go, you gotta go.  But, I do think with the aforementioned "bi-weekly purge", my holding out didn't stand a chance.

SOCIAL OUTINGS: Walk down to Amoeba for some vinyl shopping and then to our friends' ice cream/pizza place to catch up and have some vittles.

MEDITATIVE WRITING: 1 hour of meditative writing, resulting in over 2k words written on "Island Hunters".

READING: Again -- so damned tired and as I write, It's only 8:30pm.  Perhaps a check-in with my doctor about why I'm soooo tired lately.  Bottom line, feeling like diving into another Lovecraft tale, probably isn't in the cards.

HOUSEHOLD CHORES / PROJECTS:  I took down the recycling.  Glory be!

OTHER / MISC.: A revisit with the classic 1973 Nicolas Roeg, Don't Look Now.  First time seeing since my first viewing about 22 years ago.


DID I POOP MY PANTS? Celebrate with me!  No poopy pants!

While I wasn't productive, much like yesterday's lazy day -- I didn't have the same level of anxiety... probably because I was out and about for a good chunk of the day, so my mind was otherwise engaged.

And since I didn't get much done on the writing front, it's a surprise that I'm not here currently, beating myself up mentally for being a bum.  Then again, I am pretty tired...

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