Monday, February 17, 2020

Daily Wellness Report: 2.17.20

Happy Monday, to my avid readers of 0!  :)

PRIOR NIGHT’S SLEEP: Approximately 6.5 hours.  Was up early (3:40am).


BOWEL MOVEMENT (s): 1 morning poo (see homework details below).

BREAKFAST: 2 cups of coffee, with half-n-half and a total of 4 Splendas.  2 pieces of peanut butter & cinnamon toast.  2nd breakfast (since I was up so darned early and ate at 4:30 am, I was happy to indulge in a Sausage McMuffin from McD's, when the other half and I went out to run errands at 9am.

LUNCH: 1 diet root beer.  1 turkey/Colby Jack cheese sandwich, with light Miracle Whip.  A handful of tortilla chips.  Several sugar wafer cookies.

DINNER:  I'm a grazer, and will frequently grab many little things, rather than have a full, complete (and perhaps semi-healthy) meal.  Tonight:  2 of those mini sausage biscuits.  4 small pieces of peanut butter/cinnamon toast.  A Belvita breakfast biscuit (some new ones I discovered, which are delicious, but super high in carbs).  I got them at the store today, looking for options to have on me (compact and light) while out and about, particularly on hikes and for if I might feel a sugar plunge.  Key is -- don't eat them for snacks, only when needed.  Therein lies the rub.

SNACKS: 2 of the newly discovered Belvita breakfast biscuits -- so damned good, but dangerous.  Had a little wine tonight, while playing cards.  Also, a few handfuls of peanuts while I wrote this afternoon.  Oh, and some of the sugar wafer cookies sometime in the afternoon (I think after a brief nap).

EXERCISE: Full body stretch.  Free weights.  400 ab crunches / sit-ups.

TOTAL NO. OF STEPS: Didn't even break 4k.  Ugh.

WRITING: This blog.  Just over 1100 words on "Island Hunters".   A blog for my screenwriting service:  Worked through about 2 pages on the current draft of "Trip".  And wrote 4 brand new pages on "ESP.  Not a stellar day for productivity, but better than nothing at all.

THERAPY HOMEWORK: Again, as part of my therapy homework, I have to test the waters as to how long I can hold my morning BM, when it's a serious urge.  This morning, 12 whole minutes!

SOCIAL OUTINGS: Errands in the morning.

MEDITATIVE WRITING: 45 minutes of meditative writing, resulting in 1166 words on "Island Hunters".

READING: Started "The Shadow over Innsmouth" in my Lovecraft book last night, and today -- before noon, couldn't wait to get back into it, thus finished that short story.


OTHER / MISC.: Not much else today.


DID I POOP MY PANTS? Nope.  Miracles can happen!  :)

Overall, it was an off day.  Feeling angry in general, but specifically because I hoped to be uber-productive.  I mean, I woke up at 3:45am -- feeling great about maybe getting a ton done before the other half (or the rest of the world for that matter) was even awake.  While not a wholly unproductive day, I'm sorta pissed at myself.  I mean, I'm back at it all tomorrow, but I hate wasted days -- playing online slots, being a bum.

And I was feeling sorta down this afternoon, and a little angry this evening (for not apparent reason).  But -- and this is just my guess -- those high sugar Belvita things... I'm thinking this high sugar intake might have had a bit to do w/ the mood swings today.  

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