Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Daily Wellness Report: 3.10.20

PRIOR NIGHT’S SLEEP: Approximately 7 hours (early to bed last night, approximately 8pm, and up at 3am this morning).

MORNING SUGAR: 228.  Upon return home from my 3-night sleepover with friends, I had in tow, several boxes of Girl Scout cookies... several of which I ate late afternoon/early evening last night.  Therefore, the terrible, terrible sugar reading this morning.

BOWEL MOVEMENT (s):  So far -- the diarrhea continues.  Multiple very loose BMs this morning.  Curious as to what this is all about, as I otherwise feel pretty okay.  By afternoon, I was a little gassy, but no longer visiting the head every half hour or so.  So whatever it was, it seems to have passed.

BREAKFAST: 2 cups of coffee, with cream and 4 total Splendas.  2 slices of buttered toast.  1 Belvita breakfast biscuit.  Second breakfast:  As I was up at 3am, I was hungry by 9am, so had two slices of peanut butter toast.

LUNCH:  Angel hair pasta with red meat sauce.  2 helpings.  Girl Scout Cookies (Tagalongs) for dessert.

DINNER: 1 ham/cheese sandwich with Dijon mustard.  1 sleeve of Thin Mints (Girl Scout Cookies -- don't judge me!)

SNACKS: Evening snack: Apple.  Afternoon snacks:  Girl Scout Cookies - Tagalongs.  Handful of chips.

EXERCISE: Full body stretch.  110 push-ups.  500 ab crunches / sit-ups (increased from daily of 400 to 500).

TOTAL NO. OF STEPS:  About 2200.

WRITING: This blog, and caught up on previous 2 days worth of my "Daily Wellness Reports".  Also worked though 25 pages on the third draft of "Trip".


SOCIAL OUTINGS: None.  It was rainy today and so didn't leave the house.


READING: Uncertain if I'll tackle that final Lovecraft story tonight, once I log off.


OTHER / MISC.:  Took two naps today, each about 45 minutes.  After yesterday (and this morning's) bouts with diarrhea, I think I was just exhausted.


DID I POOP MY PANTS? No.  And poo anxiety (although I was still so uggy in my bowels this morning) was minimum, as I had no plans to leave the house, and did just that (or didn't do that).  

Overall anxiety was at a minimum.

Not pleased with overall productivity (on any and all fronts) today.  Seem to have some sort of, for lack of a better word, "jet-lag" whenever I return from my friend's home and our 3-day sleepovers.  Bowels are messed up.  Sleep is messed up.  I'm in a bed which is not my own.  I eat poorly... but in the end, isn't the amount of fun and joy worth the 2-day recovery afterward?

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