Thursday, March 19, 2020

Daily Wellness Report: 3.19.20

PRIOR NIGHT’S SLEEP: Approximately 7 hours.

MORNING SUGAR: 152.  Spiked again.  Ugh.  Stress?  Anxiety?  Blah.

BOWEL MOVEMENT (s):  1 regular morning BM.

BREAKFAST: 2 cups of coffee, with cream and 4 total Splendas.  1 cup of oatmeal, with 1 cup of milk, 2 Splendas and 1 sliced banana.

LUNCH:  1 roast beef/Colby Jack cheese sandwich, with mayo.  Several handfuls of chips.  1 pear. (wow, same as yesterday!)

DINNER: Shared w/ the other half: 1 large potato, diced and fried with 1/4 onion, salt & pepper, Parmesan cheese, 4 eggs and 3 slices of Colby Jack cheese.  

SNACKS: 3 granola bars (throughout the day).  Late evening snack, a handful of pretzels and a banana.

EXERCISE: Full body stretch.  100 push-ups.  200 ab crunches / sit-ups (still babying my back a bit - so slowly increasing as I see fit, as not to exacerbate the back issues).  Also, cardio via Power 90 / Beach Body.

TOTAL NO. OF STEPS:  @ press, 4341.

WRITING: This blog.  Worked through 3 pages on the 4th draft of my script, "Trip". 


SOCIAL OUTINGS: Went down to get the mail and hung out w/ my other half -- that's the extent of my socialization.  Oh, and I said hello to the handy-men who work in our building.



HOUSEHOLD CHORES / PROJECTS: Took down the recyclables.

OTHER / MISC.:  Had a phone call w/ my psychiatrist today.  He's pleased w/ how I'm handling my anxiety during this event.  Obviously, we won't be focusing on my "poo anxiety" at this time.  I have a few things to work on over the next three weeks, as I won't be speaking to him again until then.



Realizing that my emotions (frustration, confusion and fear) are only just under the surface.  Little things (or nothing at all) will find me emotional, sort of irrationally.  Trying to control these, and one of the things I'm to do (per my psychiatrist) is to attempt some regular mediation (not for the writing).

While I didn't get a lot of writing done, it was nice to do something, after such a long period of non-productivity.

And now -- announced just a short time ago -- that basically, there's a "stay at home" order in all of California.  Essential trips out are acceptable.  Feeling definite stress/anxiety about these new orders.  Sigh.

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