Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Daily Wellness Report: 3.3.20

PRIOR NIGHT’S SLEEP: Approximately 8.5 hours.


BOWEL MOVEMENT (s):  1 regular morning BM.

BREAKFAST: 2 cups of coffee, with half-n-half and a total of 4 Splendas.  1 sausage McMuffin (no egg), from my McD's excursion the day before.  1 Belvita breakfast biscuit.  1 banana.

LUNCH:  @ the coffee shop today (following voting), iced tea, a tuna melt and 1 Belvita breakfast biscuit for dessert.

DINNER: 1 toasted English muffin with butter.  Angel hair, seasoned pasta.  Sugar-free raspberry lemonade to drink.  1 Cadbury creme egg for dessert (they're almost gone, so this won't be a forever indulgence).

SNACKS: Afternoon snack: 2 bite-size Milky Way bars and 1 granola bar.

EXERCISE: Full body stretch.  Power 90/Beach Body cardio.  400 ab crunches / sit-ups.

TOTAL NO. OF STEPS: While the evening is still young, I'm planning to crack open a bottle of wine and share w/ the other half, as we watch the returns coming in for Super Tuesday.  So gonna mark my steps now, and post away -- so if I'm slightly toasty later, I won't have to worry about this.  So steps right now:  9652.

WRITING: This blog.  Worked through 30 pages on the third draft of "Trip".

THERAPY HOMEWORK:  Again, went to the coffee shop to go to "work".  And again, did not do the 5 hours I was supposed to do.  But working through 30 pages on my script in just 2 hours -- sticking around to slog through more, probably not productive.

SOCIAL OUTINGS: Out to vote today, ran into a friend.  Then to the coffee shop for lunch and two solid hours of writing!

MEDITATIVE WRITING: None again today.  Gotta get back on it!

READING: Last night, finished what I believed to be my final story in the Lovecraft collection, but since I skipped around in the stories, I discovered one more -- still unread!  Should start reading tonight!

HOUSEHOLD CHORES / PROJECTS: Plenty of dusting and vacuuming and cleaning up, in anticipation of my writing collaborator's visit tomorrow.



DID I POOP MY PANTS? Nope.  No poop in my pants!

Some anxiety as we left to go to to the polls... and then slight anxiety heading from the polling place to the coffee shop.  But nothing debilitating at all.

Returned home to continue cleaning the house.

Overall, a pretty nice day!

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