Saturday, March 21, 2020

Daily Wellness Report: 3.21.20

PRIOR NIGHT’S SLEEP: Approximately 7 hours.

MORNING SUGAR: 114.  Seems to be getting back to normal.

BOWEL MOVEMENT (s):  1 regular morning BM.

BREAKFAST: 2 cups of coffee, with cream and 4 total Splendas.  1 cup of oatmeal, with 1 cup of milk, 2 Splendas and 1 sliced banana.

LUNCH:  We ordered Wendy's for delivery.  So I ate half of a double stack burger, 1 chicken sandwich and 1/2 of a large Frosty.

DINNER: Leftover pasta from last night.  The rest of my Frosty from lunch; for dessert.

SNACKS: Evening snack: 1 apple.  Several handfuls of pretzels.  I'm sure there were other snacks throughout the day, but I don't recall what and when.  As I said in the previous wellness report, these days are all starting to meld together...

EXERCISE: Full body stretch.  50 push-ups.  300 ab crunches / sit-ups.  Went on a brief hike to Runyon Canyon with the other half.  See notes below; which were posted on Facebook; regarding said hike.

TOTAL NO. OF STEPS: As I log off for the evening, close to 7500 steps.

WRITING: This blog.  And I caught up on and completed yesterday's wellness report.





HOUSEHOLD CHORES / PROJECTS: Took down the recyclables.

OTHER / MISC.:  I recorded a new vlog, of me reading old stories, called "Klugula reads his Klassics".  A way to document old stories, but to offer up some entertainment in this quarantine age.

Here's a link to that first episode:



While I got that video shot and put together (surprisingly quickly), I didn't do much of anything else, and frankly, it's pissing me off, which is only adding to my anxiety.  Gotta get some work done tomorrow.

From Facebook this morning:

"Runyon report.
The other half and I did an abbreviated hike, up past the tennis courts and to that first bench, then back down.
A few things of note: It was PACKED. While I understand that weekends are always a bit busier, I didn't expect this amount of people under the current circumstances.
The fascinating (and irritating) thing is that while the other half and I were conscious about distance, where possible, there were at least four or five groups (in our brief time on the mountain) who would stop and have conversations, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PATH. C'mon. I know folks have always been clueless about proximity and inconveniencing those around them, but in this new normal? Again, c'mon.
I also noted a greatly increased amount of personal anxiety as we got closer to the park entrance, realizing how may people were out. I also found myself looking at everyone (even the shirtless hot dudes) with some underlying mistrust and disdain. The new normal.
There is also the tiny little entrance (on the Fuller side), with folks squeezing by in both directions, in some cases, probably brushing by strangers. There is that big, giant gate for park employees and park vehicles. Perhaps that should be opened up for the time being, just with someone there to monitor it, so people can take a wider berth when exiting/entering.
Lesson learned: Perhaps only do hikes on the weekdays (will that matter when so many folks are off work and can hike on whatever day they want?), or stop all together and just do my cardio at home.
Back inside and still sorta worked up -- anxiety-wise. It seems I'll be putting Runyon on the back burner for a bit.

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