Monday, March 2, 2020

Daily Wellness Report: 3.2.20

PRIOR NIGHT’S SLEEP: Approximately 8.5 hours.

MORNING SUGAR: 153.  High, no doubt due to that sleeve of shortbread cookies at 7:30pm last night.  For shame.

BOWEL MOVEMENT (s):  1 regular morning BM.

BREAKFAST: 2 cups of coffee, with half-n-half and a total of 4 Splendas.  1 cup of oatmeal, with milk, 2 Splendas, cinnamon and 1 sliced banana.

LUNCH:  Roast beef and Swiss cheese sandwich, with Dijon mustard.  Handful of SunChips.  Honestly can't recall if I had a dessert w/ this meal.

DINNER: On my way home from the coffee shop, stopped for some McDs.  1 McDouble.  1 McChicken.  Then 2 Belvita breakfast biscuits for dessert.  Sugar-free raspberry lemonade to drink.

SNACKS: 1 Belvita breakfast biscuit (afternoon snack).  1 banana (evening snack).  1 black iced tea @ the coffee shop (surprisingly, I did not indulge in a pastry while there!)

EXERCISE: Full body stretch.  Free weights.  110 push-ups.  400 ab crunches / sit-ups.


WRITING: This blog.  Worked through 27 pages on the third draft of "Trip".

THERAPY HOMEWORK:  While I was meant to do about FIVE hours of "going to work" (prepping for my writing day like a "job" job and then going to a coffee shop to "work", thus instilling a schedule and sense of purpose), I did get a lot of work done in the house and felt the URGE to go to a coffee shop AFTERWARDS and get some writing done.  And I did.  2 hours worth!  Not the five hours I was meant to do, but I'll chalk that up as a win!  I left the house and was uber-productive!

SOCIAL OUTINGS: Grocery outing today.  And then a 2 hour work session at the coffee shop.  Not socializing per se, but I guess "social outings" are anything requiring leaving the house.


READING: Last night, began reading my final Lovecraft story (in the only collection I thus far own) and plan to finish it (and thus the entire book) once I log off from the interwebs this evening.

HOUSEHOLD CHORES / PROJECTS: Finished my deep clean of the bathroom.  Took down recycling.



DID I POOP MY PANTS? Nope.  No poopy-pants.  And yes, I did feel some mild "poo anxiety" on my walk to the coffee shop today.  But just as I suspected, the moment I sat down (and wrote for 2 hours straight), poo was the furthest thing from my mind.

Pretty low anxiety, but was also intent on getting the house cleaned (at least a portion of it) before a friend's visit on Wednesday (we'll continue to clean tomorrow).  Obviously, sitting around allows for more time "in my head", so if I'm going, going, going -- I won't have that same slack time to just worry.

Like, duh.  :)

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