Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Daily Wellness Report: 3.9.20

PRIOR NIGHT’S SLEEP: Approximately 9 hours.


BOWEL MOVEMENT (s):  No doubt due to the stream of "bad for me" food over the past several days at my sleepover w/ friends, I experienced a marathon of visits to the bathroom yesterday (I'm writing this the day after).  I was scheduled to leave my sleepover hosts and head home.  And I had to hit the head SEVEN times, with terrible, stomach-rumbling diarrhea before getting in the car and driving home (for a semi-panicked 30 minute commute).  And once home, I had to poo an adt'l 5 times.  I think.  At least a dozen poos, and even w/ all of that, I felt pretty normal.  No fever, no vomiting.  Nothing.  I was completely irregular on Sunday (the day before), with only one tiny BM that afternoon.  I figured this was my body saying, "enough is enough" and purging the many days worth of bad eating, and making up for the incomplete BM's from the days before.  But, there must be something more going on here... I mean, c'mon!  A DOZEN poos in one day?!

BREAKFAST: 3 Grands rolls with butter.  

LUNCH:  1 can of creamy chicken noodle soup.

DINNER: 1 frozen mini-pepperoni pizza.

SNACKS: An absurd amount of Girl Scout cookies.  (for shame).

EXERCISE: None.  For shame.  But with an uneven tummy, this just didn't sound appealing.

TOTAL NO. OF STEPS:  Didn't keep track.  



SOCIAL OUTINGS: The end of my sleepover w/ friends, so card-playing and a little pool with my dear friends.  Then home to see my other half.






DID I POOP MY PANTS? Honestly, surprised that I did not, dealing w/ diarrhea before AND after my commute from Sierra Madre to Hollywood.

I'm actually surprised that the level of poo anxiety did not reach some sort of all-time high yesterday morning, on this commute.  I think I knew, that if I let myself go over the top with worry on that 1/2 hour drive, that I would have for certain, shit myself.  

I am actually excited to talk to my psychiatrist about this event -- when I see him this week.  I mean, if ever there were a moment of "you've got this", and "you control your body, and not the other way around" -- this is it.

Legit loose bowels, as opposed to "loose bowels because of anxiety" -- 2 very different things.

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