Sunday, March 15, 2020

Daily Wellness Report: 3.15.20

PRIOR NIGHT’S SLEEP: Approximately 8 hours.

MORNING SUGAR: 146.  A spike this morning.  But frankly, I believe these higher levels may be anxiety/stress related.  That's a thing, right?

BOWEL MOVEMENT (s):  1 regular BM this morning.

BREAKFAST: 2 cups of coffee, with cream and 4 total Splendas.  1 cup of oatmeal with 1 cup of whole milk.  2 Splendas and one sliced banana.

LUNCH:  Shells and cheese with 3 hot dogs (all of this split w/ the other half.

DINNER: 2 slices of pizza (yes, we went out), 1 cookie and 1 scoop of ice cream.  1 sugar free Black Cherry soda (all of this at our friends' pizza joint/ice cream shop).  

SNACKS: 1 apple.  Small glass of milk with several Belvita breakfast biscuits (cookies).  1 granola bar.

EXERCISE: Full body stretch.  110 push-ups.  500 ab crunches / sit-ups.  I'm having some sort of muscle spasm/pain in my right shoulder/shoulder blade/middle back... so been doing only the basics.  Don't want to do weights, as this might exacerbate the issue.  Wanna go see my chiropractor, but unsure if that's wise, what with the end of the world and all.

TOTAL NO. OF STEPS:   5300+ steps.

WRITING: This blog.  And nothing else.  Seriously, my motivation to write is all but gone.  Need to get back on that horse, cuz there's shit to be done!


SOCIAL OUTINGS: Out to our friends' pizza place (see above).  There for dinner, a little conversation, then a quick trip to Walgreens (found nothing there worth our time) and then to CVS, where we got some coffee on sale, and some more cream.


READING: Indeed, I did get some more reading done last night, and plan to do so again shortly, once I've logged off of the interwebs.




DID I POOP MY PANTS? Didn't crap my pants.  And as has been the norm during this Coronavirus crisis, I'm barely getting out of the house.  So the poo anxiety is all but vanquished.

There is a sense of "settling" into this new normal.  And I do believe we've only just begun to see the worst of what's still to come.  And that's certainly making me anxious.

I'm stressed about food and a pending grocery trip tomorrow morning (what will we find?)  And what about my meds?  And should I go down and do laundry in our building's community laundry room?

Should I not schedule my psychiatrist appointment this week?  Can we do it over the phone?

So many "what ifs" and this does nothing to keep me calm.  I'm a worrier (I'm in therapy for goodness sakes), and there's now legit -- plenty to worry about.

Need to get back into a writing groove, because it's certainly a good escape -- and productive too!

And I did have a brief afternoon nap today.  I feel these are necessary -- now more than ever.  I just wish I could make them last.  1/2 hour or less and I'm back up, worrying.  Sigh.

Oh, and the events (a DVD signing @ Dark Delicacies and a premiere, red carpet screening) for the film I acted in, Space, have all been postponed.

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