Friday, March 27, 2020

Daily Wellness Report: 3.27.20

PRIOR NIGHT’S SLEEP: This is getting tough to remember each day.  I'm generally doing these reports at the end of the day, and so I'm not recalling my wakeup time and prior night's bedtime.  So, let's just generally go for approximately 8 hours a night.  If it's something ridiculously shorter or longer than that, then perhaps I'll make note of the changes.


BOWEL MOVEMENT (s):  1 regular morning BM.

BREAKFAST: 2 cups of coffee, with cream and 4 total Splendas.  2 pieces of peanut butter toast.  1 banana.

LUNCH:  1 roast beef / Colby Jack cheese sandwich.  Several handfuls of corn chips.  1 Nutrigrain breakfast bar for dessert. 

DINNER: We ordered in Wendy's again.  So.  Half of an order of bacon/cheese fries.  1 double stack.  1 large Frosty. 

SNACKS: Several handfuls of veggie chips.  And I don't recall any other snacks today.

EXERCISE: Full body stretch.  110 push-ups.  400 ab crunches / sit-ups.  Free weights.


WRITING: This blog.  And GLORY BE!  I worked through 24 pages on the fourth draft of my script, "Trip".  Back on the writing horse?  I sure as hell hope so!

THERAPY HOMEWORK:  20 minute meditation.  Finding this to be a must each day.  

SOCIAL OUTINGS: Did not leave the house today, other than to get our Wendy's food delivery... so I guess I left the building (for five minutes).



HOUSEHOLD CHORES / PROJECTS: Not a damned thing.

OTHER / MISC.:  Moving further into season two of Westworld.  Over halfway through season two now.  I'm assuming we'll not be able to control ourselves (been watching 2 episodes per night) and will finish it off tomorrow.

I recorded a seventh episode of "Klugula reads his Klassics".

Here's a link to said episode:


DID I POOP MY PANTS?  No.  And no poo anxiety.  Will this quarantine and the complete lack of social anxiety, thus no poo anxiety -- end up being the best thing that could have happened to me and this particular phobia?  Time will tell!

Anxiety was mostly at a low today.  And with yesterday's chiropractic appointment (and believed success), I thought my "chest congestion" was gone.  But the tightness showed up again this afternoon.  I have no temperature, no light/dry cough (as the symptoms of THAT are said to be)... but this chest tightness seems to continue, but off and on.  So I'm starting to believe it's just a case of anxiety -- and the continuation of something out of whack in my back.  I'm working out almost at full force now, being cautious not to pull or bother anything -- but the pain in my back lingers... nothing monumental, but it's there.  And the weird pain in my right shoulder (all felt connected w/ the back issues) is still there.  But I have fuller movement of that shoulder now.

Also dealing with very windy days, which I believe may be a part of my chest issues -- seasonal allergies with all of the crap being rustled up by LA's high winds over the past couple of days.

Indeed, my body's definitely falling apart, but COVID-19 doesn't seem to be the culprit.

And finally, making me feel great today - today's photo is the iTunes announcement for the feature film I starred in -- and I'm the subject of the ad.  Very cool.  :)

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