Friday, March 13, 2020

Daily Wellness Report: 3.13.20

PRIOR NIGHT’S SLEEP: Approximately 8 hours.

MORNING SUGAR: 145.  Starting to return to more reasonable levels, after several days of "way too high".

BOWEL MOVEMENT (s):  1 regular BM this morning, and the oddball afternoon 1.  

BREAKFAST: 2 cups of coffee, with cream and 4 total Splendas.  1 banana.  1 Belvita breakfast biscuit.  1 toasted English Muffin with butter and Colby Jack cheese.

LUNCH:  1 ham/cheese sandwich with Dijon mustard.  Several handfuls of chips.  

DINNER: 2 helpings of thin spaghetti, with mushroom/onion tomato sauce.  1 pear for dessert.

SNACKS: 4 little Biscoff biscuits.  A handful of peanuts.  Late evening snack: Belvita breakfast biscuit.

EXERCISE: Full body stretch.  Cardio, courtesy of Power 90 / Beach Body.  500 ab crunches / sit-ups.

TOTAL NO. OF STEPS:  Just under 4k.
WRITING: This blog.  And I think I worked on some of yesterday's blog.  Nothing else.  Feeling guilty that I'm not getting any writing done, but at the same time -- my mind seems barely able to focus on anything beyond Coronavirus... so I'm just trying to go w/ the flow.  One day at a time.  And all that jazz.  The writing frequency will return, and when it does, I'll be ready.


SOCIAL OUTINGS: Didn't leave the house.


READING: Correction to yesterday's post, I actually finally began reading that final story in my Lovecraft collection, late last night.  We'll see if I dive back in again this evening. 


OTHER / MISC.:  Brief afternoon nap.


DID I POOP MY PANTS? No.  No real poo anxiety, as I never left the house  Toilet at the immediate ready, with no plans to leave the house?  Poo anxiety at the barest of minimums.

Took time to celebrate Friday the 13th (this high horror holiday), by taking in the original 1980 film and the 2009 remake.  So while in those worlds, anxiety about the real world and this ever-evolving pandemic -- was a nice distraction.

But I was rather anxious most of the rest of the day, keeping up on the news and wondering if every little tickle in my throat (probably the remnants of a cookie I ate, tickling my throat) or tiny feeling of malaise was somehow the moment of "this is it!  I've got it!"

It sucks to be this neurotic, during an honest-to-goodness national emergency.

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