Monday, April 13, 2020

Daily Wellness Report: 4.13.20

PRIOR NIGHT’S SLEEP: Approximately 9.5 hours.


BOWEL MOVEMENT (s):  1 regular BM.  A short hour later, another smaller one.

BREAKFAST: 2 cups of coffee, with cream and 4 total Splendas, 2 pieces of peanut butter toast.

LUNCH: 1 Lunchable (turkey/cheese/crackers/Nestles Crunch mini-snack).  2 pudding cups.  1 Chiquita snack pack (apples, pretzels, cheese).

DINNER:  Final two pieces of pizza from Friday.  And another Lunchable (ham/cheese/crackers/Nestles Crunch mini-snack).

SNACKS: 2 pudding cups in the evening.  And way too many of these delicious little pretzel ball bites the other half found at the 99Cent Store.  Yummy!

EXERCISE: Nothing.  Not a damned thing.

TOTAL NO. OF STEPS: Almost 16,000, if you can believe that!  And that's w/ NO workout today!  All of the stressful back and forth of laundry.

WRITING: Yesterday's blog and this blog.


SOCIAL OUTINGS: 2 hour Zoom call w/ my writer's group!



HOUSEHOLD CHORES / PROJECTS: 4 loads of laundry, folding, etc.  Also, put all of the groceries away, when the other half returned home from that excursion.

OTHER / MISC.:  Double feature w/ the other half.  1994's The Puppet Masters and 1978's Invasion of the Body Snatchers (pictured above).

Also, I recorded a 24th episode of "Klugula reads his Klassics".

Here's a link to said episode:



A pretty TERRIBLE day as far as anxiety and emotions.  The other half and I had an argument this morning, and so our trip to the 99Cent store to stock up (first time in two weeks, where it's usually been every one week), was changed, and he ended up leaving me behind and going alone.  He returned with plenty of groceries, and our tiff was all but forgotten.  Well, since I'd already used one of our masks (thinking I was going shopping), I figured I'd just go ahead and do the laundry which has been piling up, as I was anxious about doing it in the common areas of our building.

All went pretty normally (aside from the underwear/socks load, which didn't dry properly, so all afternoon, these items were spread out all over our apartment to complete their drying).  But my fuse was so short.  Wearing gloves and a mask, removing gloves to touch the dry/clean laundry and putting them back on to get on the elevator, etc.  Every little thing about this generally uneventful process pissed me off - to the point of a rage just under the surface.  At one point today, I had to lean over, breathe in, or I was gonna experience one helluva panic attack.  I didn't get to do my meditation today, so that didn't help.  I also didn't workout, as the day's schedule was so out of whack.

First world problems to be sure, but it is what it is.  So irritating and I'm starting to believe that any major shifts in my new "quarantine" schedule - will cause great stress.

Not a good day, and I'm desperately looking forward to getting to bed and to start anew tomorrow.

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