Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Daily Wellness Report: 4.7.20

PRIOR NIGHT’S SLEEP: Approximately 7.5 hours.


BOWEL MOVEMENT (s):  2 morning BMs.  Apparently, it's one of those "get it out, get it all out" days for the old GI tract.  Not sure if it was the pasta/burger (see below) for dinner, but mid-evening, I had a mighty loose BM - cleared whatever else was in my system... Sadly, it's just before bedtime and my stomach feels uneasy still.

BREAKFAST: 2 cups of coffee, 1 with cream and 2 Splendas, 1 with French Vanilla creamer.  2 pieces of peanut butter/cinnamon toast.  1 strawberry/banana yogurt.

LUNCH: 1 turkey/Colby Jack sandwich, w/ mayo.  Several handfuls of corn chips.  8 of my beloved mini-chocolate cookies.

DINNER:  Yesterday's leftover pasta, and 1 bacon/cheese hamburger (from frozen).  UPDATE:  Ate the pasta, but the burger did not look/smell appealing once in front of me.  I ate a couple of bites, finished the pasta and then made two pieces of buttered toast.  1 apple for dessert.

SNACKS: Several handfuls of chocolate drizzled popcorn (afternoon snack).  A few chips and 8 of my beloved chocolate cookies for an evening snack.

EXERCISE: Full body stretch.  150 push-ups.  500 ab crunches/sit-ups.  Did the basics today (no cardio or weights).  Honestly, (see below), this morning's events sidelined me from my intended full workout.  So happy I at least got the basics in.


WRITING: This blog.  7 1/2 pages written on my new script, "Bear".

THERAPY HOMEWORK: 20 minutes of meditation.


MEDITATIVE WRITING:  Approximately 50 minutes of meditative writing, resulting in 7 1/2 new pages on my latest script, "Bear".


HOUSEHOLD CHORES / PROJECTS: Emptied the dishwasher.

OTHER / MISC.:  I recorded an 18th episode of "Klugula reads his Klassics".

Here's a link to said episode:



'twas a less than ideal day as far as anxiety.  Early in the morning, I made note of some borderline OCD behaviours in light of isolation/quarantine and someone on FB (whom I don't really know, but we are "friends") made a snide remark and it turned into something of an ordeal, and the dude unfriended and presumably blocked me.  In the end, who the fuck cares, but it left me in quite a state of anxiety.  Bottom line, it made me realize how extremely fragile my psyche is currently, and how shallow my emotions are.  Certainly didn't need that extra crap, but after meditation, an afternoon nap, exercise, a second bit of meditation (for writing) and then some writing, I feel I'm mostly over it.

On top of that, my writings which I've been reading on video and posting on YouTube (see above) - well, today's reading was a continuation of a story I penned at age 15, and this chapter had an actual rape sequence (at least the just prior and just after of the rape).  I found it oddly upsetting, no doubt moreso following the unfortunate issue w/ FB guy.

Apparently, everything was just not in the cards for me to be calm today.  I'll be heading to bed shortly (it's just prior to 9pm)... while it's early, I feel I need to just get into dreamland and start anew tomorrow.

Ugh.  This current life.  Blah.

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