Thursday, April 23, 2020

Daily Wellness Report: 4.23.20

PRIOR NIGHT’S SLEEP: Approximately 9.5 hours.  


BOWEL MOVEMENT (s):   1 regular morning BM.

BREAKFAST: 1.5 cups of coffee, with cream and 3  total Splendas.  4 pieces of peanut butter/cinnamon toast (small slices).  Based on a suggestion from my doctor, and some ongoing headaches I've been having since Saturday, I'm gonna reduce my coffee/caffeine intake.  Perhaps try to ween myself down to 1 cup/day.

LUNCH: 1 turkey / Colby Jack sandwich with mayo.  Funyons.  2 small pieces of chocolate cake for dessert.

DINNER: 1 turkey / Colby Jack sandwich w/ mayo (variety is the spice of life).  Hot fries.  Chocolate chip cookies.

SNACKS: 2 bite-sized Nestle Crunch chocolate bars.  Several chocolate chip cookies.  Half a bottle of red wine, shared w/ the other half.

EXERCISE: Full body stretch.  100 push-ups.  100 sit-ups/ab crunches.  Did the barest of necessities today.  Morning was shot w/ the outside excursions, and based on how anxious that all made me, I had little energy for a full workout in the mid-afternoon.  So chalking up some very basics as better than nothing at all.

TOTAL NO. OF STEPS: Just over 6k.

WRITING: This blog.  Nothing else.

THERAPY HOMEWORK: 20 minutes of meditation.

SOCIAL OUTINGS:  Grocery shopping to the Air Force base Commissary.



HOUSEHOLD CHORES / PROJECTS: Groceries sorta counts, and wiping everything down upon arriving home -- that's a household chore, right?

OTHER / MISC.:  Phone appointment with my primary care doctor.  I'll be reducing the dosage on my diabetes meds, based on my exercise and consistently controlled numbers.  And I had a one-hour call w/ my psychiatrist.

I recorded a 34th episode of "Klugula reads his Klassics".

Here's a link to said episode:



Poo anxiety and overall anxiety was extra present today, as the other half and I ventured out for groceries... plans to go to the Air Force base Commissary, which is 1/2 hour drive.  So I was on edge for that, and naturally, we got a flat on the way down, has to stop and wait for AAA.  All was well, and we got to the Commissary, got TP, paper towels, dairy, produce and plenty more, so worth all of the trouble, but my anxiety and irritability was through the roof today.  Luckily, later in the day, has my weekly call w/ my psychiatrist, so could unload all of that on him.

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