Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Daily Wellness Report: 4.8.20

PRIOR NIGHT’S SLEEP: Approximately 9 hours.


BOWEL MOVEMENT (s):  1 regular morning BM, which was surprising that I had to go at all, considering my busy "BMs" yesterday.

BREAKFAST: 2 cups of coffee, with cream and 4 total Splendas, 2 pieces of peanut butter/cinnamon toast.

LUNCH: 1 chicken pot pie (from frozen).  Several handfuls of corn chips.  I feel like there was something else in here, but don't recall what.

DINNER:  Butter/garlic pasta (from a box), split with the other half.  8 of my beloved chocolate cookies.  A handful of veggie chips.  Made some microwave popcorn as well, but only ate half.

SNACKS: Evening snack: 1 Nutrigrain breakfast bar.

EXERCISE: Full body stretch.  150 push-ups.  410 ab crunches/sit-ups (cut 'em short, as my lower back was feeling wonky).  Cardio, via Beach Body / Power 90.


WRITING: This blog.  Worked through 17 pages on the 5th draft of my script, "Trip".

THERAPY HOMEWORK: 20 minutes of meditation.



READING: Started a new book, reading only the intro (I was tired, y'all!)

HOUSEHOLD CHORES / PROJECTS: I don't think I did anything in this realm today.

OTHER / MISC.:  Was tapped by my buddy to shoot a virtual short film.  Each actor will film in their own home, with their own camera (phone), whatever lighting and equipment they might have, and he'll then edit it all together for one short film.  Had a blast doing it, and w/ the help of the other half, I think it turned out pretty cool.  Looking forward to the finished product!  Photo above, was a test shot for framing, etc.  Certainly a nice distraction and a change in my daily schedule - so necessary!

I also recorded a 19th episode of "Klugula reads his Klassics".

Here's a link to said episode:



Pretty low as far as anxiety today, certainly a change from yesterday's weird-ball emotional mess.  Honestly, didn't think that this isolation/quarantine would become an issue, as my daily "normal" life doesn't stray too far from this scenario, but I truly am having trouble keeping track of the day and handling heightened emotions.

There's not much to look forward to, as far as scheduled events.  I even removed a long road-trip from my calendar, one we were planning to take to South Dakota (for my niece's high school graduation) and beyond, beginning in mid-May.

Felt sad to do so, but it's just being realistic.

But there's this constant sense of anticipation which I keep returning to - as if there is some event I need to be prepared for, something to work toward, when in fact - nothing's coming up.  Sigh.

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